Friday, February 5, 2010

Haiti's angel; Bill Clinton

Bill Clinton is an international hero, while going to Haiti and helping them pull together and survive.

In one day, Bill Clinton, the former president, has raised $2.6 million dollars from 30,000 donors, not counting donations from text messages. That’s just proof of how he can work his magic to get people to listen and actually care for Haiti and go out of their way to save those miserable lives. The response he is giving to this tragedy and the effort he is putting into raising money is astonishing considering he isn’t president anymore, but he continues to make his mark in the world.
He is giving all the power he has to raise money for food, water, shelter, and first aid supplies for the poor people of Haiti hugely affected by this tragic act of god. “He has promised to hand deliver the cash donated for Haiti through his foundation.” Says Bill Clinton and Haiti from the UN DISPATCH. He is also being a huge leader in the Flash Appeal through the UN Central Emergency Response Fund, where they ask donor countries to contribute funds quickly to an emergency. Over and all, without Mr. Clinton, there is no picture of where Haiti would be right now-probably still in a panic and uproar-he has cared so much and people of the world recite “God bless Bill Clinton.”


  1. I toally agree with you that he is their angel! He has done so many great things for them. Good writing as well.

  2. Bill Clinton is awesome for doing this. Raising that much money in a day should help boos up Haiti's reconstruction
